Jesus calls out to all of us, “Come follow me.” He also sends us into the world to teach all nations. The nature of our community is to evangelize together. We share responsibility for fulfilling the mission that has been given to us by Christ himself.

The task is daunting, but the rewards are abundant. Jesus said, I came so that you might have life and have it in abundance. But he also told his disciples that they must be willing to take up the cross daily. If they didn’t, they could not be true disciples.

Our parish is about discipleship, stewardship and co-responsibility. We manage the bountiful gifts that God has given us. They are not merely for our individual or community benefit. They are for the glory of God. Thus we have a short view and a long view. We do the most loving things that we can do today and we plan for developing the ministries so that they will also serve the next generations who will follow us.

Ways To Give

As followers of Christ, it is natural to give generously and do acts of kindness. It is also very biblical to express our gratitude to God by giving a portion of our abundant blessings to sustain and grow church ministries by tithing to our parish.